
Displaying 1-30 of 60 publications

January 2022

Multiple Beneficial Effects of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Patients with Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Restrictive Ventilatory Dysfunction

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Lv, X. and Yang, J. and Xian, Y. and Kong, X. and Zhang, Y. and Liu, C. and He, M. and Cheng, J. and Lu, C. and Ren, Y.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

The impact of bariatric surgery on serum tryptophan-kynurenine pathway metabolites

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Yeung, K.T.D. and Penney, N. and Whiley, L. and Ashrafian, H. and Lewis, M.R. and Purkayastha, S. and Darzi, A. and Holmes, E.

Sci Rep 2022


January 2022

Standard Biliopancreatic Limb (50 cm) Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Versus Long Biliopancreatic Limb (100 cm) Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in Patients with Body Mass Index 40-50 kg/m(2): a Randomized Prospective Study

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Eskandaros, M.S. and Abbass, A.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Validation of Ad-DiaRem and ABCD Diabetes Remission Prediction Scores at 1-Year After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy in the Randomized Controlled Oseberg Trial

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Fatima, F. and Hjelmesaeth, J. and Hertel, J.K. and Svanevik, M. and Sandbu, R. and Smastuen, M.C. and Hofso, D.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Seven-year trajectories of body weight, quality of life and comorbidities following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy

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Nielsen, H.J. and Nedrebo, B.G. and Fossa, A. and Andersen, J.R. and Assmus, J. and Dagsland, V.H. and Dankel, S.N. and Gudbrandsen, O.A. and Fernø, J. and Hjellestad, I. and Hjermstad, M.J. and Kolotkin, R.L. and Thorsen, H.L. and Mellgren, G. and Flolo, T.N.

Int J Obes (Lond) 2022


January 2022

Early Pregnancy (≤ 12 Months) After Bariatric Surgery: Does It Really Influence Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes?

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Chen, W. and Liang, Y. and Chen, G. and Guo, J. and Dong, S. and Wang, C. and Dong Z; Chinese, O.b.e.s.i.t.y. and Metabolic Surgery, C.o.l.l.a.b.o.r.a.t.i.v.e.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Long-term Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension: a Population-level Study

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Bouchard, P. and Al-Masrouri, S. and Demyttenaere, S. and Court, O. and Andalib, A.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Additional preconditioning program for bariatric surgery: Any benefits? A large cohort study

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van der Ven, R.G.F.M. and de Vos, R. and Lodewijks, Y. and van Hout, G.C.M. and Lichthart, S. and Nienhuijs, S.W.

Clin Obes 2022


January 2022

Change of cardiovascular risk associated serologic biomarkers after gastric bypass: A comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic Asian patients

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Wei, J.H. and Lee, M.H. and Lee, W.J. and Chen, S.C. and Almalki, O.M. and Chen, J.C. and Wu, C.C. and Lee, Y.C.

Asian J Surg 2022


January 2022

The relationship of presurgical Personality Assessment Inventory scales to BMI following bariatric surgery

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Hoyt, T. and Walter, F.A.

Health Psychol 2022


January 2022

Shorten preoperative fasting and introducing early eating assistance in recovery after gastrojejunal bypass?

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Wendler, E. and Nassif, P.A.N. and Malafaia, O. and Brites Neto, J.L. and Ribeiro, J.G.A. and Proenca, L.B. and Mattos, M.E. and Ariede, B.L.

Arq Bras Cir Dig 2022


January 2022

Is the waist/height ratio a better parameter than bmi in determining the cardiometabolic risk profile of obese people?

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Malafaia, A.B. and Nassif, P.A.N. and Lucas, R.W.D.C. and Garcia, R.F. and Ribeiro, J.G.A. and Proença, L.B. and Mattos, M.E. and Ariede, B.L.

Arq Bras Cir Dig 2022


January 2022

Glucose Profiles Assessed by Intermittently Scanned Continuous Glucose Monitoring System during the Perioperative Period of Metabolic Surgery

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Kim, K. and Choi, S.H. and Jang, H.C. and Park, Y.S. and Oh, T.J.

Diabetes Metab J 2022


January 2022

Weight Loss After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Ameliorates the Cardiac Remodeling in Obese Chinese

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Meng, W. and Peng, R. and Du, L. and Zheng, Y. and Liu, D. and Qu, S. and Xu, Y. and Zhang, Y.

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2022


January 2022

Impact of bariatric surgery on depression, anxiety and stress symptoms among patients with morbid obesity: international multicentre study in Poland and Germany

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Paczkowska, A. and Hoffmann, K. and Raakow, J. and Pross, M. and Berghaus, R. and Michalak, M. and Bryl, W. and Marzec, K. and Kopciuch, D. and Zaprutko, T. and Ratajczak, P. and Nowakowska, E. and Kus, K.

BJPsych Open 2022


January 2022

Effect of Biliopancreatic Limb Length on Weight Loss, Postoperative Complications, and Remission of Comorbidities in One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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Tasdighi, E. and Barzin, M. and Mahawar, K.K. and Hosseinpanah, F. and Ebadinejad, A. and Taraghikhah, N. and Mansoori, A. and Khalaj, A. and Niroomand, M. and Valizadeh, M. and Abiri, B.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Investigation of Body Awareness and Affecting Factors in Patients with Bariatric Surgery

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Varlı, U. and Naz, İ. and Yılmaz, H.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Insufficient weight loss after banded vs. non-banded primary gastric bypass surgery: insights from an observational 5 year follow-up study

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Tsai, C. and Dimou, M. and Naef, M. and Steffen, R. and Zehetner, J. and Nakas, C.T. and Bally, L.

Surg Endosc 2022


January 2022

Polysomnography in pre-operative screening for obstructive sleep apnea in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a retrospective cohort study

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de Carvalho, T.R. and Blume, C.A. and Alessi, J. and Schaan, B.D. and Telo, G.H.

Int J Obes (Lond) 2022


January 2022

Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in euthyroid patients 8 years following bariatric surgery

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Lautenbach, A. and Wernecke, M. and Mann, O. and Busch, P. and Huber, T.B. and Stoll, F. and Aberle, J.

Int J Obes (Lond) 2022


January 2022

Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy in Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients

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Al-Ani, M.A. and Murray, M.R. and Taha, M.B. and Meece, L. and Elsayed, A.H. and Jeng, E.I. and Arnaoutakis, G.J. and Wu, Y. and Friedman, J.E. and Vilaro, J.R. and Parker, A.M. and Aranda JM, J.r. and Ahmed, M.M.

J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2022


January 2022

Repercussions of bariatric surgery on metabolic parameters: experience of 15-year follow-up in a hospital in maceio, brazil

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Pinheiro, J.A. and Castro, I.R.D. and Ribeiro, I.B. and Ferreira, M.V.Q. and Fireman, P.A. and Madeiro, M.A.D. and Pontes, A.C.P.

Arq Bras Cir Dig 2022


January 2022

Macrophage activation marker sCD163 is associated with liver injury and hepatic insulin resistance in obese patients before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

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Kazankov, K. and Bojsen-Moller, K.N. and Moller, H.J. and Madsbad, S. and Gronbaek, H.

Physiol Rep 2022


January 2022

Comparative feasibility of dobutamine stress echocardiography performed with and without intravenous contrast in patients with class III obesity

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Carlino, C. and Kuppuswamy, S. and McCray, L. and Aggarwal, K. and Alpert, M.A.

Echocardiography 2022


January 2022

Weight and Glycemic Control Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery and Pharmacotherapy in Patients With Melanocortin-4 Receptor Deficiency

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Fojas, E.G.F. and Radha, S.K. and Ali, T. and Nadler, E.P. and Lessan, N.

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2022


January 2022

Efficacy of laparoscopic transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative pain management and surgery side effects in laparoscopic bariatric surgeries

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Jalali, S.M. and Bahri, M.H. and Yazd, S.M.M. and Karoobi, M. and Shababi, N.

Langenbecks Arch Surg 2022


January 2022

Diabetes Resolution at 10 Years After Biliopancreatic Diversion in Overweight and Class 1 Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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Papadia, F.S. and Carlini, F. and Rubartelli, A. and Battistini, M. and Cordera, R. and Adami, G.F. and Camerini, G.

Obes Surg 2022


January 2022

Prevalence and Clinical Determinants of Obesity in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Single-Center Retrospective Observational Study

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Tsushima, Y. and Zhou, K. and Bena, J.F. and Kashyap, S.R.

Endocr Pract 2022


January 2022

Effects of bariatric surgery and dietary interventions for obesity on the brain: a systematic review of PET and SPECT studies.

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Al Alsheikh, A. and Miras, A. D. and Goldstone, A. P.

Appetite 2022


January 2022

POSA392 Opera Study: Observatory of a Population Eligible to a Reintervention of a Bariatric Surgery in France- Impact of the Different Revisional Bariatric Surgeries on Diabetes Mellitus and Its Treatments.

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Thereaux, J. and Oppert, J. M. and Khemis, J. and Ohayon, E. and Visnovec Buissez, I. and Lafourcade, A. and Quiriconi, L. and Philippe, C. and Bennani, M.

Value in Health 2022

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