Methodology of
Bariatric Surgery updates

This database and the Bariatric Surgery Updates are provided by Synergus, a consulting company providing European market access and health economics services for medical device and in-vitro diagnostic companies and organisations.

On a monthly basis, Synergus screens all recently published studies in bariatric surgery in two of the largest electronic bibliographic databases (Medline and EMBASE). Synergus includes both individual studies and systematic literature reviews and categorises them in the following areas:

(Other types of surgeries, also including robotic surgery, are included in “Other” category)

  • Clinical effectiveness of bariatric surgery
  • Safety of bariatric surgery
  • Health problems and current use of bariatric surgery
  • Costs and economic evaluation
  • Technical and organizational characteristics
  • Patient and social aspects
  • Legal and ethical aspects
  • Other papers

The categories and their definitions are based on version 3 of the HTA Core Model Application for Medical and Surgical Interventions (

What is not included in the review?

  • Case reports (except for presentations of novel surgical methods);
  • Non-systematic review articles;
  • Studies on animals;
  • Laboratory studies with no clinical outcomes included;
  • Impact of bariatric surgery on biochemical parameters (except for those relevant to glucose metabolism)

How data are presented?

In the report, abstracts of relevant publications are presented in the order of PubMed ID, followed by publications from EMBASE in each section. Records extracted from Medline include authors, year of publication, title, abstract, and PubMed ID number. Records extracted from EMBASE include authors, year of publication, title, and abstract. The most important articles are selected among those that were published in full-text.